Laboratorio: C/ Valgrande 18, nave H, 28108 Alcobendas, Madrid (Spain)
Razón Social: C/ Serrano 8, 3º Izq, 28001 Madrid (Spain)
+34 658 120 304 / +34 910 612 614
Rubén Martínez
Antonio Diaz / Miguel Martínez / Rubén Martínez
CETEMED is Electromedical Laboratory of Electrical Safety and Software specialized in
the complete solution of testing service of medical device actives. It accredited in A2LA
(ILAC/IAF), CB Testing Laboratory and National Certificacion Boby IEC System of
Conformity Assessment Schemes for Electrotechnical Equipment and Components
(IECEE) and recognized for USA certification and testing.
CETEMED has a technical team with more than 10 years of experience in testing
and certification of medical device actives and is highly specialized:
– Medical Device
– In-vitro Diagnostic Medical Device
– Software Medical
– Medical Device without an intended Medical Purpose
– Aesthetic Device
Cetemed certification.
Hall 15 Stand L02